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Page 15 Translation and transcription

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Image © Hildesheim, St Godehard



[Year 1]

The nones of April, know the fifth [add] 5 The nones of April
2 The eighth before the kalends brings forth the next 1 The eighth before the kalends of April
3 The ides of April, also the sixth. 6 The ides of April
4 The fourth before the nones denotes the dipondium. 2 The fourth before the nones of April
5 Likewise the eleventh, encircle the fifth. 5 The ninth before the kalends of April
6 Four before the ides seize the third. 3 The fourth before ides of April
7 The third before the kalends makes an entry on the sixth 6 The third before the kalends of April
8 Four before the tenth lies in bed in a square. 4 Fourteenth before the kalends of May
9 The seventh before the ides plucks out the seventh, 7 The seventh before the ides of April
10 The seventh before the kalends shall allot the third. 3 The sixth before the ides of April
11 The seventh before the seventeenth, gives the next, 1 Seventeenth before the kalends of May
12 The day before the nones denotes the fourth. 4 The second before the nones of April
13 The ninth before the kalends shall denote the seventh. 7 The ninth before the kalends of April
14 The day before the ides shall disclose the fifth. 5 The second before the ides of April
15 The kalends of April force out the first, 1 The kalends of April
16 they denote the twelfth, cleverly the fourth 4 The twelfth before the kalends of April
17 and fifth before the ides, they tally with the second 2 The fifth before the ides of April
18 the fourth before the kalends. The fifth leans on, 5 The fourth before the kalends of April
19 they throw the fifteenth into confusion, entering upon the third. 3 The fifteenth before the kalends of May



I N one aprilis. N or[un]t quino V D Nonas April[is].
II O cton[a]e kalende A ssim depromunt I G viii k[a]lendas] April[is].
III I dus aprilis. . E tiam sexis VI. E Idus April[is].
IIII N one quat[er]n[a]e. N otant dipondiu[m]. II A iiii Non[em] April[is].
V I tem unden[m]. A mbiunt quinos. V D . xi k[a]l[endas] Apr[i]l[is]
VI Q uattuor idus. C apiunt t[er]nos. III B iiii id[us] April[is].
VII T erne kalende. Titulant senos. VI E iii k[a]l[endas] April[is].
VIII Q uattour den[a]e. C ubant i[n]q[ua]dris. IIII C xiiii k[a]l[endas] Mai.
IX S eptem idus. S epte[m] eligunt. VII E vii id[us] April[is].
X S ene kalend[a]e. S ortiunt[ur] t[er]nos. III B vi id[us] April[is].
XI S ene septene. D onant assim. I G xvii k[a]l[endas] Mai.
XII P ridie nonas. N ota quat[er]nis. IIII C ii non[em] April[is]
XIII N ouen[a]e k[a]l[en[da]. N otant[ur] septenis. VII E ix k[a]l[endas] April[is].
XIIII P ridie idus. P andit[ur] quinis. V D ii id[us] April[is].
XV A pril[is] kalende. V nu[m] exp[ri]munt. I G k[a]l[endas] April[is].
XVI D uodene notant. D octe quat[er]nos IIII C xii k[a]l[endas] April[is].
XVII Q uintoq[ue] idus. C onstant duob[us]. II A v id[us] April[is].
XVIII Q uat[er]ne kalende. Q[u]inq[ue] coniciunt. V D iiii k[a]l[endas] April[is].
XIX Q uindene constant. T rib[us] adeptis. III B xv k[a]l[endas] Mai.



[Year 1] The nones of April, know the fifth [add] 5 The nones of April
2 The eighth before the kalends brings forth the next 1 The eighth before the kalends of April
3 The ides of April, also the sixth. 6 The ides of April
4 The fourth before the nones denotes the dipondium. 2 The fourth before the nones of April
5 Likewise the eleventh, encircle the fifth. 5 The ninth before the kalends of April
6 Four before the ides seize the third. 3 The fourth before ides of April
7 The third before the kalends makes an entry on the sixth 6 The third before the kalends of April
8 Four before the tenth lies in bed in a square. 4 Fourteenth before the kalends of May
9 The seventh before the ides plucks out the seventh, 7 The seventh before the ides of April
10 The seventh before the kalends shall allot the third. 3 The sixth before the ides of April
11 The seventh before the seventeenth, gives the next, 1 Seventeenth before the kalends of May
12 The day before the nones denotes the fourth. 4 The second before the nones of April
13 The ninth before the kalends shall denote the seventh. 7 The ninth before the kalends of April
14 The day before the ides shall disclose the fifth. 5 The second before the ides of April
15 The kalends of April force out the first, 1 The kalends of April
16 they denote the twelfth, cleverly the fourth 4 The twelfth before the kalends of April
17 and fifth before the ides, they tally with the second 2 The fifth before the ides of April
18 the fourth before the kalends. The fifth leans on, 5 The fourth before the kalends of April
19 they throw the fifteenth into confusion, entering upon the third. 3 The fifteenth before the kalends of May


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