© Hildesheim, St Godehard |
began from the other part [Continued from overleaf]
his reins (heart) broken. Shall perish. Here we have declared
the highest truth, and if he desires it, let him hold it as for himself.
Just as those are manly and prudent in the pursuit of equal justice, so
to we must be manly and perfect in the constancy of our steadfastness.
If at some time we are struck through by sword or spear or flying arrow,
yet we shall not fall to the ground in vain, if we are proved manly, but
we shall only be made more perfect in God, and shall be doubly girt around
with faith and hope, so that, safe in the presence of God, we may be crowned.
But in our spirits we must set in order every art which these two warriors
prepare in their bodies. Because the blood of the holy martyrs and worthy
virginity illuminate the book of life and go before the love of heaven,
he who marvels at the divine countenance and strives by night and day
according to its meaning, and purifies himself constantly, gains approval
against the last day and the divine battle, which is foretold in the scriptures
to come about between the holy church and the antichrist, who strike through
themselves in turn and shall disturb the human race. There have been named
in the books of the saints those companies and all those virtues which
the holy church teaches and shall bring with her. It is written about
wisdom, the queen, who leads the way to good counsel, (that) she shall
sit upon a white warhorse, and shall smite over the lost army. Her blow
will be of great worth, and will overcome all. Upon that war and divine
inheritance there meditate, by day and night, good people of the cloister
and manly hearts that are temperate and chaste, and every faithful disciple.
There are yet two members of the human race alive in heaven who will pour
forth their blood and will bring that war to its conclusion. That war
shall end in great toil and a hundred thousand bucketfuls of blood; great
shall be that shout. By night and day the good and evil prepare themselves.
The ungodly are zealous in wickedness, and glorify themselves in flattery,
and desire pride and discord. The godly are zealous in justification,
and glorify themselves in confession, and desire peace and pure devotion.
You [singular] recently heard our word and that verse which shall be written
in the name of heavenly love, and honour of the spiritual war, lest any
one of those talkers, who investigate, should rebuke us. It has seemed
to me that the plan here is that the psalmist himself, who was zealous
in wisdom and sounded forth such divine power, should be drawn in the
appearance of a king, and placed honourably in the middle of this B, and
hold his harp in his right hand against his chest, and in his left hand
have his own psalter, in which is written the blessed annunciation [written
on the pages of David’s book, p72, ‘The blessed psalmist David,
whom God has chosen, has gushed forth the annunciation of the Holy Spirit’.]
For in that holy zeal he has made known to us the way of salvation and
our redeemer, who enlightens us and builds up the holy church. It has
seemed to me that the sound of his harp signifies the voice of the holy
church, and his book, which he held in great affection, signifies the
wisdom of prophecy, and that divine prediction, and for that reason spiritual
people love the psalter and desire its own divine teaching, because it
sows sweetness in their hearts. [Erased from the end of the text, but
deciphered in by Otto Pächt under ultraviolet light (AP,
148, n4): ‘The blessed psalmist David, whom God has chosen, has
gushed forth the annunciation of the Holy Spirit’. These letters
could not be discerned in 2002.]
Ex alia parte incipit
renib[us] cadit, p[er]ibit. Hic su[m]mam / veritate[m] declarivim[us],
qua[m] qui / voluerit, teneat ut sibimet. / Sicut isti viriles s[un]t
& prudentes / in cursu equitationis similit[er] & / nos oportet
e[ss]e viriles & p[er]fec / tos in p[er]severantia stabilitatis. /
Si aliq[ua]ndo gladio aut lancea seu / volatili sagitta p[er]cussi fuerim[us]
/ n[on] tam[en] inanes decidem[us] si viriles / p[ro]bati sum[us], s[ed]
tantu[m] in d[e]o p[er]fectio / res efficiem[u]r, & fide & / spe
duplicit[er] accingem[ur]. / ut salvi cora[m] d[e]o coronem[ur]. / Nos
au[tem] oportet om[n]em artem / quam hi duo bellatores parant / corporibus
suis: ordinare spir[iti]b[us] / n[ost]ris. Quia sanguis s[an]c[t]o[rum]
marty / ru[m] & digna virginitas illuminant / libru[m] vite. &
p[re]cedunt amorem / celestem. Q[u]i mirat[ur] divin[am] facie[m]. / &
scirmizat nocte ac die se[cun]d[u]m / significatione[m] & expurgat
se assidue / p[ro]bat cont[r]a die[m] novissimu[m] & di /vinu[m] p[rae]liu[m]
q[uo]d est p[re]dictu[m] in script[ur]a / futuru[m] de s[an]cta eccl[es]ia
& antixpo. / q[ui] se invice[m] p[er]cutiunt & humanu[m] / genus
co[m]movebunt. Nominate s[un]t in libris s[an]c[t]o[rum] iste societates
& / o[mne]s ille virtutes q[ua]s s[an]c[t]a eccl[es]ia doc /t[ri]nat
& secu[m] conducet. Scriptu[m] [est] / de sapientia regina q[uae]
in consiliu[m] / conducit. illa sedebit sup[er] albu[m] / dextrariu[m]
& p[er]cutiet sup[e]r exer /citu[m] p[er]ditu[m]. Suus ictus erit
multu[m] / honest[us] & o[mne]s vincet. de illo bello / & divina
hereditate meditant[ur] die ac nocte boni claustrales & vi /rilia
corda sobria & casta & q[ui]sq[ue] / fidelis discipulus. Adhuc
sunt / duo de humano g[e]ne[re] vivi i[n] celo / q[ui] sanguine[m] suu[m]
effundent & ill[u]d / bellu[m] consumab[un]t. Illud bellu[m] fi /nietur
magno labore & centies / mille modiis sanguinis magn[us] erit / [il,
trimmed off] le clamor. Nocte dieq[ue] parant se boni / et mali.
Impii student i[n] malitia & gl[or]ificant se i[n] adulatione &
cupiunt sup[er]bia[m] & discordia[m]. Justi student in justifica /tionib[us]
& gl[or]ificant se in co[n]fessione & cupiunt pace[m] et puram
devotione[m]. Modo audisti n[ost]r[u]m dictu[m] & illu[m] v[e]rsu[m]
/ q[ui] erit sc[ri]pt[u]s in no[m]i[n]e celestis amoris & in honore
sp[irit]ualis belli ne aliq[u]is illo[rum] locuto[rum] q[ue] scrutant[ur]
nos rep[re]hendant. / Michi visu[m] [est] q[uo]d ratio est, ut ipse psalmista
q[ui] studuit in sapientia & sonuit tale[m] divinitate[m] sit p[ro]tra[c[tus]
in specie / regi[s] & honorifice posit[us] ita in medio hoc .B. &
teneat cythara[m] sua[m] in manu dextr[a] cont[ra] pect[us]. & suu[m]
psalt[er]iu[m] i[n] / manu sinistra i[n] q[uo] sc[ri]bat[ur] beata annunciatio.
Na[m] in illo s[an]c[t]o studio nob[is] notificavit via[m] salutis &
n[ost]r[u]m rede[m]ptorem. / q[ui] nos illuminat & s[an]c[t]am eccl[es]ia[m]
edificat. Michi visu[m] [est] q[uo]d sonus sue cythare significat voce[m]
s[an]c[t]e eccl[es]ie & suus lib[er] / que[m] habuit in magna dilectione
significat sapienta[m] p[ro]phetie & illa[m] divina[m] p[re]dictione[m].
& id[e]o spirituales amant / psalteriu[m] & cupiunt sua[m] divina[m]
doctrina[m]. id[e]o q[ui]a dulcedine[m] inserit cordib[us] eo[rum]
Erasure at end of last line no longer legible, but according to Pächt
(AP, 148, n4) under ultraviolet light they read: Annunciationem sancti
spiritus eructavit beatus david psalmista quem deus elegit
On the right side of the page: BEATUS VIR.
(In David’s book: Annu[n]tiatione[m] s[an]c[t]i
sp[iritu]s e[ruc]tavit beatu[s] d[avi]d psalmista quem d[eu]s elegit)
This began from the
other part [Continued from overleaf]
his reins (heart) broken. Shall perish. Here we have declared
the highest truth, and if he desires it, let him hold it as for himself.
Just as those are manly and prudent in the pursuit of equal justice, so
to we must be manly and perfect in the constancy of our steadfastness.
If at some time we are struck through by sword or spear or flying arrow,
yet we shall not fall to the ground in vain, if we are proved manly, but
we shall only be made more perfect in God, and shall be doubly girt around
with faith and hope, so that, safe in the presence of God, we may be crowned.
But in our spirits we must set in order every art which these two warriors
prepare in their bodies. Because the blood of the holy martyrs and worthy
virginity illuminate the book of life and go before the love of heaven,
he who marvels at the divine countenance and strives by night and day
according to its meaning, and purifies himself constantly, gains approval
against the last day and the divine battle, which is foretold in the scriptures
to come about between the holy church and the antichrist, who strike through
themselves in turn and shall disturb the human race. There have been named
in the books of the saints those companies and all those virtues which
the holy church teaches and shall bring with her. It is written about
wisdom, the queen, who leads the way to good counsel, (that) she shall
sit upon a white warhorse, and shall smite over the lost army. Her blow
will be of great worth, and will overcome all. Upon that war and divine
inheritance there meditate, by day and night, good people of the cloister
and manly hearts that are temperate and chaste, and every faithful disciple.
There are yet two members of the human race alive in heaven who will pour
forth their blood and will bring that war to its conclusion. That war
shall end in great toil and a hundred thousand bucketfuls of blood; great
shall be that shout. By night and day the good and evil prepare themselves.
The ungodly are zealous in wickedness, and glorify themselves in flattery,
and desire pride and discord. The godly are zealous in justification,
and glorify themselves in confession, and desire peace and pure devotion.
You [singular] recently heard our word and that verse which shall be written
in the name of heavenly love, and honour of the spiritual war, lest any
one of those talkers, who investigate, should rebuke us. It has seemed
to me that the plan here is that the psalmist himself, who was zealous
in wisdom and sounded forth such divine power, should be drawn in the
appearance of a king, and placed honourably in the middle of this B, and
hold his harp in his right hand against his chest, and in his left hand
have his own psalter, in which is written the blessed annunciation [written
on the pages of David’s book, p72, ‘The blessed psalmist David,
whom God has chosen, has gushed forth the annunciation of the Holy Spirit’.]
For in that holy zeal he has made known to us the way of salvation and
our redeemer, who enlightens us and builds up the holy church. It has
seemed to me that the sound of his harp signifies the voice of the holy
church, and his book, which he held in great affection, signifies the
wisdom of prophecy, and that divine prediction, and for that reason spiritual
people love the psalter and desire its own divine teaching, because it
sows sweetness in their hearts. [Erased from the end of the text, but
deciphered in by Otto Pächt under ultraviolet light (AP,
148, n4): ‘The blessed psalmist David, whom God has chosen, has
gushed forth the annunciation of the Holy Spirit’. These letters
could not be discerned in 2002.]