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TranslationThis verse speaks of the leaders who are placed on the other side [of the page, on p72]. The comparison is about the holy war on earth in the church and the great joy with the angels in heaven. And therefore the holy figures, armed in a manly spirit, are made friends of Christ and heavenly athletes. Whoever wishes to be a son of God and a worthy heir of the heavens, and whoever wishes to gain the glory and inheritance which the devils lost when they fell from the kingdom of God, by night and day let him watch in eye and heart that war and (fight for) justice which he here observes drawn out. Just as these visible arms have been prepared with iron and wood, so that they may bring about evil and human slaughter, likewise on the other hand it is necessary for each one of us who is established in war and penitence, to be armed with faith and love, so that we may approach the heavenly blessings and obtain the angelic crown of life. And just as they are puffed up, bodily, with pride and malice, likewise we must be tamed, spiritually, in humility and divine blessing. Just as they are given over, bodily, to anger and evident madness, so must we be in peace and wisdom, spiritually. Just as they do not cease from reaching out mutually with the eye of the body to all their limbs, we likewise, on the other hand, with the eyes of the heart must always keep watch with all virtue (with the eyes of the heart) against our adversary who is constantly lying in wait to ambush us. Our adversary wishes and reckons to rain down upon our head every evil that arises in their struggle. They never grant sleep to their eyes nor oblivion to their oblivious (?) heels (spurs), and let the sharp point of our meditation always have provident reason and a breaking forth of a zeal of goodwill (?). Let each be sure in heart, that unless he destroy his invisible adversary, he himself shall be killed, but we, unless we kill our invisible adversary, we ourselves shall be killed. He who is victorious shall truly live; he who falls with |
TranscriptionHic versus loquitur / de proceribus qui ex / alia parte positi s[un]t / De s[an]c[t]o terreno bello / in eccl[es]ia est co[m]parati[o, trimmed off] / & magna jocundita[s, trimmed off] / cu[m] ang[e]lis in celo. / Ideoq[ue] s[an]c[t]e figure in / sp[irit]u virili armate. / facte s[un]t Xpi [Christi] amice / et celestes allete [atlete] Q[ui] / cumq[ue] vult e[ss]e fili[us] / d[e]i & dignus heres ce / lo[rum] & qu[i]cu[m]q[ue] vult ad / imere gl[oria]m & here / ditate[m], q[ua]s diaboli a / regno d[e]i elapsi amise / r[un]t, nocte ac die oc / culo & corde speculet[ur] / illud bellu[m] & equitation[em, trimmed off] / q[uae] hic viderit p[ro]tract[a, trimmed off] / Sicut hec visibilia ar /ma ferrro & ligno s[un]t pa / rata ut malu[m] & hu /mana[m] occisione[m] facian[t, trimmed off] / similite[r] au[tem] que[m]qu[e] n[ost]r[u]m / in bello & penitentia / constitutu[m], fide & cari /tate oportet armari / ut celestib[us] bonis ap / p[ro]pinq[ue]m[us] & corona[m] vite / ang[e]lica[m] p[er]cipiam[us]. & / sic[ut] ipsi corporal[i]te[r] s[un]t tu / mentes sup[er]bia & male / dictione. similite[r] nos / sp[irit]ualit[er] oportet e[ss]e / mansuetos in humili / tate & deica b[e]n[e]dictio[ne, trimmed off] / Sicut ipsi dati s[un]t in ira[m, trimmed off] / & visibile[m] rabie[m] corp[or]ali[ter, trimmed off] / similite[r] nos oportet / e[ss]e in pace & sapien / tia sp[irit]ualite[r]. Sicut ipsi / ad o[mni]a membra sua occ[u]lo / coporis n[on] sinunt in /vice[m] extende[re]. nos au[tem] / similit[er] occ[u]lis cordis c[um, trimmed off] / o[mn]i v[ir]tute se[m]p[er] oportet / [oculis cordis] circ[um]spice[re] / cont[ra] adv[er]sarium n[ost]rum / nob[is] i[n]sidiante[m] conti / nuo tempore. Adversari[us] n[oste]r optat & adestimat irruere sup[er] vertice[m] n[ost]r[u]m o[mn]e malu[m] q[uo]d orit[ur] in duello isto[rum]. Ipsi / occ[u]lis suis nu[m]q[ua]m dant sopore[m] nec calcarib[us] oblivib[us] oblivione[m]. & cuspis n[ost]re meditationis se[m]p[er] habeat p[ro]vident[em, trimmed off] / ratione[m] & affec[tus] studii coortatione[m]. Uterq[ue] sit cert[us] in corde. q[uo]d n[isi] adversariu[m] suu[m] visibile[m] occid[erit, trimmed off] / ipse occidet[ur], nos au[tem] n[isi] adv[er]sariu[m] invisibile[m] int[er]fecerim[us], nos ipsi interficiem[ur] Qui vincit vere vivet. q[ui] frac[tis, trimmed off] / |
TranslationThis verse speaks of the leaders who are placed on the other side [of the page, on p72]. The comparison is about the holy war on earth in the church and the great joy with the angels in heaven. And therefore the holy figures, armed in a manly spirit, are made friends of Christ and heavenly athletes. Whoever wishes to be a son of God and a worthy heir of the heavens, and whoever wishes to gain the glory and inheritance which the devils lost when they fell from the kingdom of God, by night and day let him watch in eye and heart that war and (fight for) justice which he here observes drawn out. Just as these visible arms have been prepared with iron and wood, so that they may bring about evil and human slaughter, likewise on the other hand it is necessary for each one of us who is established in war and penitence, to be armed with faith and love, so that we may approach the heavenly blessings and obtain the angelic crown of life. And just as they are puffed up, bodily, with pride and malice, likewise we must be tamed, spiritually, in humility and divine blessing. Just as they are given over, bodily, to anger and evident madness, so must we be in peace and wisdom, spiritually. Just as they do not cease from reaching out mutually with the eye of the body to all their limbs, we likewise, on the other hand, with the eyes of the heart must always keep watch with all virtue (with the eyes of the heart) against our adversary who is constantly lying in wait to ambush us. Our adversary wishes and reckons to rain down upon our head every evil that arises in their struggle. They never grant sleep to their eyes nor oblivion to their oblivious (?) heels (spurs), and let the sharp point of our meditation always have provident reason and a breaking forth of a zeal of goodwill (?). Let each be sure in heart, that unless he destroy his invisible adversary, he himself shall be killed, but we, unless we kill our invisible adversary, we ourselves shall be killed. He who is victorious shall truly live; he who falls with
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collaboration between History of Art and Historic Collections
University of Aberdeen - King's College - Aberdeen - AB24 3SW |
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