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Image © Hildesheim, St Godehard


I have spoken your truth and your salvation./ I have not concealed your mercy/ and your truth from a great council./ But you lord make not your compassion far off from me: your mercy and your truth/ have always received me./ Because evils have surrounded me which have no/ number: my iniquities have overtaken/ me: and I was not able to see./ They are multiplied above the hairs of my head:/ and my heart has forsaken me./ Let it please you lord to deliver me:/ look lord to help me./ Let them be thrown into confusion and ashamed together:/ who seek after my soul to take it away./ Let them be turned backward and be ashamed:/ who wish evils to me./ Let them immediately bear their confusion that say to me bravo bravo./ Let all that seek you rejoice and be glad upon you: and let them that love your salvation say always the lord be magnified./


Veritate[m] tua[m] et salutare tuum dixi. / Non abscondi misericordia[m] tuam / et veritatem tuam a concilio multo. / Tu autem d[omi]ne ne longe facias miserationes / tuas ame: misericordia tua et veritas tua / semper susceperunt me. / Q[uonia]m circumdederunt me mala quor[um] non est / numerus: comprehenderunt me iniq[u]itates / me[a]e: nonpotui ut viderem. / Multiplicat[a]e sunt sup[er] capillos capitis mei: / et cor meum dereliquit me. / Complaceat tibi d[omi]ne ut eruas me: / d[omi]ne ad adiuvandum me respice. / Confundantur et revereantur simul: / qui quer[un]t anima[m] mea[m] ut auferant eam. / Convertantur retrorsu[m] et revereantur: / qui volunt michi mala. / Ferant confestim confusione[m] suam: / qui dicunt michi euge euge. / Exultent et l[a]etent[ur] sup[er] te om[ne]s qu[a]erentes te: et dicant semper magnificet[ur] d[omi]n[u]s /qui diligunt salutare tuum. /


I have spoken your truth and your salvation./ I have not concealed your mercy/ and your truth from a great council./ But you lord make not your compassion far off from me: your mercy and your truth/ have always received me./ Because evils have surrounded me which have no/ number: my iniquities have overtaken/ me: and I was not able to see./ They are multiplied above the hairs of my head:/ and my heart has forsaken me./ Let it please you lord to deliver me:/ look lord to help me./ Let them be thrown into confusion and ashamed together:/ who seek after my soul to take it away./ Let them be turned backward and be ashamed:/ who wish evils to me./ Let them immediately bear their confusion that say to me bravo bravo./ Let all that seek you rejoice and be glad upon you: and let them that love your salvation say always the lord be magnified./


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