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Image © Hildesheim, St Godehard


And he has set my feet upon a rock:/ and put my steps in line./ And he has put a new song in my mouth:/ a song to our god./ Many shall see and shall fear:/ and they shall hope in the lord./ Blessed is the man whose hope is the name of the lord:/ and has not had regard to vanities and deceitful folly. You have multiplied your marvellous things lord my god: and/ in your thoughts there is no one like you./ I have declared and spoken:/ they are multiplied above number./ You did not desire sacrifice and oblation:/ but you have perfected ears for me./ Burnt offerings and for sin you did not require:/ then said I behold I come./ In the head of the book it is written of me./ that I should do your will my god I would:/ and your law in the midst of my heart./ I have declared your justice in the great church:/ behold I will not restrain my lips lord you have known it./ I have not hidden your justice in my heart:/


Et statuit supra petram pedes meos: / et direxit gressus meos. / Et immisit in os meum canticu[m] novum: / carmen deo nostro. / Videbunt multi et timebunt: / et sperabunt ind[omi]no. / Beatus vir cuius est nomen d[omi]ni spes eius: / et non respexit invanitates et insanias falsas. / Multa fecisti tu d[omi]ne d[eu]s m[eo]s mirabilia tua: et / cogitationib[us] tuis non est q[u]i similis sit tibi. / Annunciavi et locutus su[m]: / multiplicati sunt super numerum. / Sacrificium et oblatione[m] noluisti: / aures autem perfecisti michi. / Holocaustum et p[ro]peccato non postulasti: / tunc dixi ecce venio. / Incapite libri scriptu[m] est de me. / ut facerem voluntate[m] tua[m] d[eu]s m[eu]s volui: / et legem tuam in medio cordis mei. / Annunciavi iustitia[m] in [a]ecclesia magna: / ecce labia mea n[on] p[ro]hibebo d[omi]ne tu scisti. / Iusticia[m] tua[m] n[on] abscondi incorde meo: /


And he has set my feet upon a rock:/ and put my steps in line./ And he has put a new song in my mouth:/ a song to our god./ Many shall see and shall fear:/ and they shall hope in the lord./ Blessed is the man whose hope is the name of the lord:/ and has not had regard to vanities and deceitful folly. You have multiplied your marvellous things lord my god: and/ in your thoughts there is no one like you./ I have declared and spoken:/ they are multiplied above number./ You did not desire sacrifice and oblation:/ but you have perfected ears for me./ Burnt offerings and for sin you did not require:/ then said I behold I come./ In the head of the book it is written of me./ that I should do your will my god I would:/ and your law in the midst of my heart./ I have declared your justice in the great church:/ behold I will not restrain my lips lord you have known it./ I have not hidden your justice in my heart:/


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