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Image © Hildesheim, St Godehard


My enemies have spoken evils to me:/ when shall he die and his name perish./ And if he came in to see me he spoke vain things:/ his heart gathered together iniquity to himself./ He went out: and spoke to the same purpose./ All my enemies whispered together against me:/ they devised evils to me./ They determined against me an unjust word:/ shall not he that sleeps turn to rise./ In fact the man also of my peace in whom I hoped:/ who ate my breads has greatly/ tripped me over./ But you lord have mercy upon me and revive me:/ and I will repay them./ In this I have known that you would me:/ because my enemy shall not rejoice over me./ But me you have received because of innocence:/ and have strengthened me in your sight/ forever./ Blessed be the lord the god of israhel:/ for ever and for ever be it be it./


Inimici mei dixerunt mala michi: / quando morietur et p[er]ibit nomen eius. / Et si ingrediebatur ut vid[er]et vana loq[u]ebat[ur]: / cor eius congregavit iniq[u]itate[m] sibi. / Egrediebat[ur] foras: et loquebat[ur] inidipsu[m]. / Adversu[m] me susurrabant om[ne]s inimici mei: / adversu[m] me cogitabant mala michi. / Verbu[m] iniquu[m] c[on]stituer[un]t adversum me: / nu[m]q[u]id qui dormit n[on] adiciet ut resurgat. / Eteni[m] homo pacis me[a]e in quo speravi: / qui edebat panes meos magnificavit / super me supplantationem. / Tu autem d[omi]ne miserere mei et resuscita me: / et retribuam eis. / In hoc cognovi q[uonia]m voluisti me: / q[uonia]m non gaudebit inimicus m[eu]s sup[er] me. / Me aute[m] p[ro]pter innocentiu[m] suscepisti: / et confirmasti me in conspectu tuo / in [a]eternum. / Benedictus d[omi]n[u]s deus isr[ahe]l: / a s[ae]c[u]lo et in sc[ae]c[u]l[u]m fiat fiat. /


My enemies have spoken evils to me:/ when shall he die and his name perish./ And if he came in to see me he spoke vain things:/ his heart gathered together iniquity to himself./ He went out: and spoke to the same purpose./ All my enemies whispered together against me:/ they devised evils to me./ They determined against me an unjust word:/ shall not he that sleeps turn to rise./ In fact the man also of my peace in whom I hoped:/ who ate my breads has greatly/ tripped me over./ But you lord have mercy upon me and revive me:/ and I will repay them./ In this I have known that you would me:/ because my enemy shall not rejoice over me./ But me you have received because of innocence:/ and have strengthened me in your sight/ forever./ Blessed be the lord the god of israhel:/ for ever and for ever be it be it./


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