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Image © Hildesheim, St Godehard


My soul is troubled toward myself:/ therefore will I be mindful of you from the land of iordan and hermoniim from the little mountain./ Depth calls on depth:/ in the voice of your waterfalls./ All your heights and your waves:/ have passed over me./ In the day the lord has commanded his mercy:/ and the night a song to him./ With me is prayer to the god of my life:/ I will say to god you are my guardian./ Why have you forgotten me: and why walk I saddened:/ whilst my enemies afflict me./ While my bones are broken: my enemies that trouble me/ have reproached me./ While they say to me every day:/ where is your god./ Why are you sad my soul:/ and why do you trouble me./ Hope in god because yet I will confess to him:/ the salvation of my countenance and my god.


Ad me ipsu[m] anima mea conturbata est: / p[ro]pterea memor ero tui de t[er]ra iordanis / et hermoniim a monte modico. / Abyssus abyssum invocat: / invoce cataractaru[m] tuaru[m]. / Omnia excelsa tua et fluctus tui: / super me transierunt. / In die mandavit d[omi]n[u]s misericordia[m] suam: / et nocte canticum eius. / Apud me oratio deo vit[a]e me[a]e: / dicam deo susceptor m[eu]s es. / Quare oblitus es mei: et q[u]are contristat[us] incedo: / dum affligit me inimicus. / Dum confringuntur ossa mea: exp[ro]braver[un]t / mi[hi] qui tribulant me inimici mei. / Dum dicunt michi per singulos dies: / ubi est d[eu]s tuus. / Quare tristis es anima mea: / et quare conturbas me. / Spera in deo q[uonia]m adhuc confitebor illi: / salutare vult[us] mei et deus meus. /


My soul is troubled toward myself:/ therefore will I be mindful of you from the land of iordan and hermoniim from the little mountain./ Depth calls on depth:/ in the voice of your waterfalls./ All your heights and your waves:/ have passed over me./ In the day the lord has commanded his mercy:/ and the night a song to him./ With me is prayer to the god of my life:/ I will say to god you are my guardian./ Why have you forgotten me: and why walk I saddened:/ whilst my enemies afflict me./ While my bones are broken: my enemies that trouble me/ have reproached me./ While they say to me every day:/ where is your god./ Why are you sad my soul:/ and why do you trouble me./ Hope in god because yet I will confess to him:/ the salvation of my countenance and my god.


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