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Image © Hildesheim, St Godehard


He sent from heaven and delivered me:/ he has given in reproach them that trampled me underfoot./ God has sent his mercy and his truth:/ and has delivered my soul out of the midst of lions’/ whelps: I slept troubled./ The sons of men their teeth are weapons and arrows:/ and their tongues a sharp sword./ Be exalted above the heavens god: and your glory upon all the earth./ They prepared a snare for my feet:/ and bent my soul./ They dug a pit before my face:/ and they are fallen into it./ My heart is ready god my heart is ready: I will sing and say a psalm./ Arise my glory arise psalterium and cythera:/ I will arise early./ I will confess to you among peoples lord:/ and I will say a psalm to you among the nations./ Because your mercy is magnified even to the heavens:/ and thy truth even to the clouds./ Be exalted above the heavens god:/ and your glory above all the earth./


Misit de c[a]elo et liberavit me: / dedit in obp[ro]brium conclucantes me. / Misit d[eu]s mis[eri]c[or]diam suam et veritatem suam: / et eripuit anima[m] mea[m] de medio catulorum / leonum: dormivi conturbatus. / Filii hominum dentes eor[um] arma et sagitt[a]e: / et lingua eor[um] gladius acutus. / Exaltare sup[er] c[a]elos d[eu]s: et in omne[m] t[er]ra]m] gl[ori]a tua. / Laqueum paraverunt pedib[us] meis: / et incurvaverunt animam meam. / Foder[un]t ante faciem meam foveam: / et inciderunt in eam. / Paratu[m] cor meu[m] deus paratum cor meum: cantabo et psalmum dicam. / Exurge gl[ori]a mea exurge psalteriu[m] et cythara: / exurgam diluculo. / Confitebor tibi in populis d[omi]ne: / psalmum dicam tibi ingentib[us]. / Q[uonia]m magnificata est usq[ue] ad c[a]elos mis[eri]c[or]dia tua: / et usq[ue] ad nubes veritas tua. / Exaltare sup[er] c[a]elos d[eu]s: / et sup[er] omne[m] terram gl[ori]a tua. /


He sent from heaven and delivered me:/ he has given in reproach them that trampled me underfoot./ God has sent his mercy and his truth:/ and has delivered my soul out of the midst of lions’/ whelps: I slept troubled./ The sons of men their teeth are weapons and arrows:/ and their tongues a sharp sword./ Be exalted above the heavens god: and your glory upon all the earth./ They prepared a snare for my feet:/ and bent my soul./ They dug a pit before my face:/ and they are fallen into it./ My heart is ready god my heart is ready: I will sing and say a psalm./ Arise my glory arise psalterium and cythera:/ I will arise early./ I will confess to you among peoples lord:/ and I will say a psalm to you among the nations./ Because your mercy is magnified even to the heavens:/ and thy truth even to the clouds./ Be exalted above the heavens god:/ and your glory above all the earth./


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