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Image © Hildesheim, St Godehard


Psalm 57
Their madness is like a serpent

IF INDEED/ you speak justice:/ judge right things/ sons of men./ For in the heart/ you work injustices in the earth:/ your hands forge injustice./ Sinners are alienated/ from the womb:/ they have wandered from the womb they have spoken false things./ Their madness is like that of a serpent:/ as the asp that is deaf and stops her ears./ Which will not hear the voice of the enchanters:/ and of the sorcerer enchanting wisely./ God shall break their teeth in their mouth:/ and our lord will break in pieces the molars of lions./ They shall come to nothing as water running down:/


Furor illis se[cun]dum simi/litudine[m] serpentis
SI VERE / utiq[ue] iusticiam / loquimini: / recte iudicate / filii hominu[m]. / Eteni[m] incorde / iniquitates / op[er]amini in terra: / iniusticias man[us] / v[est]r[a]e concinnant. / Alienati sunt / peccatores a vulva: / erraverunt ab utero locuti sunt falsa. / Furor illis s[e]c[un]d[u]m similitudinem serpentis: / sicut aspidis surd[a]e et opturantis aures suas. / Qu[a]e non exaudiet vocem incantantium: / et venefici incantantis sapienter. / D[eu]s conteret dentes eor[um] in ore ipsorum: / molas leonum confringet d[omi]n[u]s. / Ad nichilu[m] devenient ta[m]qua[m] aqua decurrens: /


Psalm 57
Their madness is like a serpent

IF INDEED/ you speak justice:/ judge right things/ sons of men./ For in the heart/ you work injustices in the earth:/ your hands forge injustice./ Sinners are alienated/ from the womb:/ they have wandered from the womb they have spoken false things./ Their madness is like that of a serpent:/ as the asp that is deaf and stops her ears./ Which will not hear the voice of the enchanters:/ and of the sorcerer enchanting wisely./ God shall break their teeth in their mouth:/ and our lord will break in pieces the molars of lions./ They shall come to nothing as water running down:/


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