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Image © Hildesheim, St Godehard


he has bent his bow till they are weakened./ As wax melts shall they be taken away:/ fire has fallen on them and they have not seen the sun./ Before your thorns did understand the briar:/ so in wrath as living he swallowed them./ The just shall be glad when he shall see revenge:/ he shall wash his hands in the blood of the sinner./ And man shall say if indeed there is fruit to the just there is a god indeed judging them on the earth./

Psalm 58
Deliver me from my enemies

DELIVER ME/ from my enemies/ my god: and from them that rise/ up against me/ defend me./ Deliver me from them that work/ injustice: and/ from bloody men/ save me./ Because behold they have taken my soul:/ the strong have rushed in upon me./


intendit arcum suum donec infirmentur. / Sicut c[a]era qu[a]e fluit auferentur: / sup[er] c[a]ecidit ignis et non viderunt solem. / Priusqua[m] intelligerent spin[a]e v[est]r[a]e ramnu[m]: / sicut viventes sic[ut] in ira absorbet eos. / L[a]etabitur iustus cu[m] viderit vindictam: / manus suas lavabit in sanguine peccatoris. / Et dicet homo si utiq[ue] est fructus iusto: / uti[que] est d[eu]s iudicans eos in terra. /
Ab insurgentib[us] in me/ libera me
ERIPE ME / de inimicis meis / d[eu]s m[eu]s: et ab insur/gentib[us] in me / libera me. / Eripe de op[er]antib[us] / iniquitatem: et / de viris sanguinu[m] / salva me. / Quia ecce c[a]eperunt animam meam: / irruerunt in me fortes. /


he has bent his bow till they are weakened./ As wax melts shall they be taken away:/ fire has fallen on them and they have not seen the sun./ Before your thorns did understand the briar:/ so in wrath as living he swallowed them./ The just shall be glad when he shall see revenge:/ he shall wash his hands in the blood of the sinner./ And man shall say if indeed there is fruit to the just there is a god indeed judging them on the earth./

Psalm 58
Deliver me from my enemies

DELIVER ME/ from my enemies/ my god: and from them that rise/ up against me/ defend me./ Deliver me from them that work/ injustice: and/ from bloody men/ save me./ Because behold they have taken my soul:/ the strong have rushed in upon me./


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