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Image © Hildesheim, St Godehard


Neither is it my iniquity nor my sin:/ lord without iniquity have I run and put in line [my steps]./ Rise up to meet me and see:/ and you lord the god of powers god of israhel./ Make for to visit all nations:/ have no mercy on all that work iniquity./ They will return at evening and they shall suffer famine as dogs:/ and shall surround the city./ Behold they will speak in their mouth: and a sword/ in their lips because who has heard./ And you lord will scorn them:/ you will bring to naught all nations./ I will keep my strength to you:/ because you are my receiver:/ my god his mercy shall prevent./ God will display to me over my enemies:/ kill them not lest at any time my peoples forget./ Scatter them in your strength:/ and lay them down lord my protector:/ The sin of their mouth the word of their lips:/ and let them be taken in their pride./ And for cursing and lying:/


Neq[ue] iniquitas mea neq[ue] peccatu[m] meum: / d[omi]ne sine iniquitate cucurri et direxi. / Exurge in occursu[m] meum et vide: / et tu d[omi]ne d[eu]s virtutu[m] deus isr[ahe]l. / Intende advisitandas om[ne]s gentes: / n[on] miseraris omnib[us] qui op[er]ant[ur] iniquitate[m]. / Convertent[ur] advespera[m] et famen patient[ur] ut canes: / et circuibunt civitatem. / Ecce loquentur in ore suo: et gladius / in labiis eor[um] q[uonia]m quis audivit. / Et tu d[omi]ne deridebis eos: / ad nichilum deduces om[ne]s gentes. / Fortitudine[m] mea[m] ad te custodiam: / quia deus susceptor m[eu]s: / d[eu]s m[eu]s mis[eri]c[or]dia ei[us] p[rae]veniet me. / D[eu]s ostendit michi super inimicos meos: / ne occidas eos nequando obliviscant[ur] pop[u]li mei. / Disperge illos in virtute tua: / et depone eos protector m[eu]s d[omi]ne: / Delictu[m] oris eor[um] sermone[m] labior[um] ipsor[um]: / et conprehendantur in sup[er]bia sua. / Et de execratione et mendacio: /


Neither is it my iniquity nor my sin:/ lord without iniquity have I run and put in line [my steps]./ Rise up to meet me and see:/ and you lord the god of powers god of israhel./ Make for to visit all nations:/ have no mercy on all that work iniquity./ They will return at evening and they shall suffer famine as dogs:/ and shall surround the city./ Behold they will speak in their mouth: and a sword/ in their lips because who has heard./ And you lord will scorn them:/ you will bring to naught all nations./ I will keep my strength to you:/ because you are my receiver:/ my god his mercy shall prevent./ God will display to me over my enemies:/ kill them not lest at any time my peoples forget./ Scatter them in your strength:/ and lay them down lord my protector:/ The sin of their mouth the word of their lips:/ and let them be taken in their pride./ And for cursing and lying:/


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