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Image © Hildesheim, St Godehard


they shall be talked of when consumed./ In wrath of consuming and they shall be no more: and they shall know/ that god will rule over iacob [Jacob] and the ends of the earth./ They shall be turned at evening and shall suffer famine as/ dogs: and shall surround the city./ They shall be scattered to eat:/ and if they are not filled they will murmur also./ But I will sing your strength:/ and will exalt your mercy in the morning./ Because you are become my support:/ and my refuge in the day of my trouble./ My helper I will sing to you because you are god my support:/ my god my mercy./

Psalm 59
God you have repulsed us

God YOU HAVE REPULSED/ us and have destroyed us:/ you were angry and have had mercy on us./ You have moved the earth/ and have troubled it:/ heal its breaches/ because it is moved./


annuntiabunt[ur] inconsummatione. / In ira consummationis et non erunt: et scient / quia d[eu]s dominabit[ur] iacob et finium terr[a]e. / Convertentur ad vesp[er]am et famen patient[ur] ut / canes: et circuibunt civitatem. / Ipsi dispergentur ad manducandum: / si vero non fuerint saturati et murmurabunt. / Ego aute[m] cantabo fortitudine[m] tuam: / et exaltabo mane mis[eri]c[or]dia[m] tua[m]. / Quia factus es susceptor m[eu]s: / et refugium mea[m] in die tribulationis me[a]e. / Adiutor m[eu]s ti[bi] psallam quia deus susceptor m[eu]s es: / deus m[eu]s misericordia mea. /
D[eu]s repulisti nos
D[EU]S REPPULISTI / nos et destruxisti nos: / irat[us] es et misert[us] es nob[is]. / Commovisti terra[m] / et conturbasti ea[m]: / sana contritiones / ei[us] quia co[m]mota est. /


they shall be talked of when consumed./ In wrath of consuming and they shall be no more: and they shall know/ that god will rule over iacob [Jacob] and the ends of the earth./ They shall be turned at evening and shall suffer famine as/ dogs: and shall surround the city./ They shall be scattered to eat:/ and if they are not filled they will murmur also./ But I will sing your strength:/ and will exalt your mercy in the morning./ Because you are become my support:/ and my refuge in the day of my trouble./ My helper I will sing to you because you are god my support:/ my god my mercy./

Psalm 59
God you have repulsed us

God YOU HAVE REPULSED/ us and have destroyed us:/ you were angry and have had mercy on us./ You have moved the earth/ and have troubled it:/ heal its breaches/ because it is moved./


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