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Page 187 Translation and transcription

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Image © Hildesheim, St Godehard


You have showed your people hard things:/ you have made us drink the wine of remorse./ You have given a signal to them that fear you:/ that they may flee from the face of the bow./ That your beloved may be delivered :/save me with your right hand and hear me./ God has spoken in his holy [place]: I shall rejoice and shall divide/ siccimam: and shall measure the valley of tents./ Galaath is mine and manasses is mine:/ and effraim the strength of my head./ Iuda my king moab the pot of my hope./ Into idumea I will stretch out my shoe:/ to me the foreign nations are subject./ Who shall conduct me into the fortified city:/ who shall conduct me even to idumea./ Shall not god who cast us off:/ and shall not god go forth in our hosts./ Give us help from trouble:/ because man’s salvation is vain./ In god we shall do strength:/ and he shall bring to nothing them that afflict us./


Ostendisti pop[u[lo tuo dura: / potasti nos vino compunctionis. / Dedisti metuentib[us] te significatione[m]: / ut fugiant afacie arcus. / Ut liberentur dilecti tui: / salvu[m] dextera tua et exaudi me. / D[eu]s locut[us] est in s[an]c[t]o suo: l[a]etabor et partibor / siccimam: et convallem tabernaculor[um] metibor. / Meus est galaath et m[eu]s est manasses: / et effraim fortitudo captis mei. / Iuda rex m[eu]s moab olla spei me[a]e. / In idumea[m] extendam calciamentu[m] meu[m]: / michi alienigen[a]e subditi sunt. / Quis deducet me in civitate[m] munita[m]: / quis deducet me usq[ue] inidumea[m]. / Nonne tu deus qui reppulisti nos: / et non egredieris d[eu]s in virtutib[us] n[ost]ris. / Da nob[is] auxilium de tribulatione: / et vana salus hominis. / In deo faciemus virtutem: et ipse / ad nichilum deducet tribulantes nos. /


You have showed your people hard things:/ you have made us drink the wine of remorse./ You have given a signal to them that fear you:/ that they may flee from the face of the bow./ That your beloved may be delivered :/save me with your right hand and hear me./ God has spoken in his holy [place]: I shall rejoice and shall divide/ siccimam: and shall measure the valley of tents./ Galaath is mine and manasses is mine:/ and effraim the strength of my head./ Iuda my king moab the pot of my hope./ Into idumea I will stretch out my shoe:/ to me the foreign nations are subject./ Who shall conduct me into the fortified city:/ who shall conduct me even to idumea./ Shall not god who cast us off:/ and shall not god go forth in our hosts./ Give us help from trouble:/ because man’s salvation is vain./ In god we shall do strength:/ and he shall bring to nothing them that afflict us./


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