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Image © Hildesheim, St Godehard


Psalm 60
[on book: Hear god god]

HEAR GOD/ my supplication:/ intend to my prayer./ From the ends of the earth to you/ I have cried: while my heart was disquieted/ you did exalt me on a rock./ You have conducted me because/ you are made my hope:/ a tower of strength from the face of the enemy./ I shall dwell in your tent for ever:/ I shall be protected in the curtain of your wings./ Because you my god have heard my prayer:/ you have given an inheritance to those that fear your name./ You will add days upon the days of the king: his years/ even unto the day of generation and generation./ He endures to the end for ever in the sight of god:/ his mercy and truth who shall inquire after./ So will I say a psalm to your name for ever and ever:/ that I may render my vows from day to day./


[on book: Exaudi d[eu]s]
EXAUDI D[EU]S / deprecatione[m] meam: / intende orationi me[a]e. / A finib[us] terr[a]e ad te / clamavi: du[m] anxi/retur cor meum / in petra exaltasi me. / Deduxi me quia / factus es spes mea: / turris fortitudinis a facie inimici. / Inhabitabo in tabernaculo tuo in s[ae]c[u]la: / protegar invelamento alaru[m] tuaru[m]. / Q[uonia]m tu d[eu]s m[eu]s exaudisti oratione[m] mea[m]: / dedisti hereditatem timentib[us] nomen tuu[m]. / Dies super dies regis adicies: annos eius / usq[ue] in diem generationis et generationis. / Permanet in [a]eternum inconspectu dei: / mis[eri]c[or]diam et veritate[m] ei[us] q[u]is requiret. / Sic psalmu[m] dicam nomini tuo in s[ae]c[u]l[u]m s[ae]c[u]li: / ut redda[m] vota mea de die in diem. /


Psalm 60
[on book: Hear god god]

HEAR GOD/ my supplication:/ intend to my prayer./ From the ends of the earth to you/ I have cried: while my heart was disquieted/ you did exalt me on a rock./ You have conducted me because/ you are made my hope:/ a tower of strength from the face of the enemy./ I shall dwell in your tent for ever:/ I shall be protected in the curtain of your wings./ Because you my god have heard my prayer:/ you have given an inheritance to those that fear your name./ You will add days upon the days of the king: his years/ even unto the day of generation and generation./ He endures to the end for ever in the sight of god:/ his mercy and truth who shall inquire after./ So will I say a psalm to your name for ever and ever:/ that I may render my vows from day to day./


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