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Image © Hildesheim, St Godehard


Psalm 61
Shall not [my soul] be subject to the lord

SHALL NOT my soul be subject to/ GOD:/ for from him/ is my salvation./ For he is my god and my saviour:/ my receiver/ I shall be moved no more./ How long do you rush in upon a man you all kill:/ as if [he were] a wall that is sinking and a leaning defence./ Nevertheless they thought to reject my worth: I ran in thirst: they blessed with their mouth:/ and cursed with their heart./ Nevertheless my soul be you subject to god:/ because my endurance is from him./ Because he is my god and my saviour:/ my helper I shall not depart./ In god is my salvation and my glory:/ the god of my help and my hope is in god./ Hope in him all you assembly of people:/


Nonne d[e]o subiecta
NONNE D[E]O / subiecta erit / anima mea: / ab ipso enim / salutare meum. / Nam et ipse d[eu]s m[eu]s et salutaris meus: / susceptor meus / n[on] movebor a[m]plius. / Quousq[ue] irruicis in homine[m] int[er]ficitis univ[er]si vos: / ta[m]qua[m] parieti inclinato et maceri[a]e depuls[a]e. / Veruntam[en] precium meum cogitaver[un]t re/pellere: cucurri in siti: ore suo benedicebant: / et corde suo maledicebant. / Veruntam[en] deo subiecta esto anima mea: / q[uonia]m ab ipso patientia mea. / Quia ipse d[eu]s m[eu]s et salvator meus: / adiutor meus non emigrabo. / In deo salutare meum et gl[ori]a mea: / d[eu]s auxilii mei et spes mea in deo est. / Sperate in eo omnis congregatio pop[u]li: /


Psalm 61
Shall not [my soul] be subject to the lord

SHALL NOT my soul be subject to/ GOD:/ for from him/ is my salvation./ For he is my god and my saviour:/ my receiver/ I shall be moved no more./ How long do you rush in upon a man you all kill:/ as if [he were] a wall that is sinking and a leaning defence./ Nevertheless they thought to reject my worth: I ran in thirst: they blessed with their mouth:/ and cursed with their heart./ Nevertheless my soul be you subject to god:/ because my endurance is from him./ Because he is my god and my saviour:/ my helper I shall not depart./ In god is my salvation and my glory:/ the god of my help and my hope is in god./ Hope in him all you assembly of people:/


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