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Image © Hildesheim, St Godehard


pour out your hearts before him:/ god is our helper for ever./ Nevertheless the children of men are vain./ the children of men are liars in scales:/ that they may deceive by vanity together./ Do not hope in injustice/ and do not covet robberies:/ if riches abound set not your heart upon them./ Once has god spoken these two things have I heard:/ that the power is god’s and mercy lord is to you:/ because you will render to every one according to his works./

Psalm 62
To you I watch at break of day

GOD MY GOD:/ to you I watch at break of day./ My soul has thirsted for you: my flesh to the many ways./ In a desert land inaccessible/ and without water so/ in the holy [place] have I appeared to you:/ that I might see your strength and your glory./


effundite coram illo corda vestra: / deus adiutor n[oste]r in [a]eternum. / Veruntamen vani filii hominum. / mendaces filii hominum in stateris: / ut decipiant ipsi de vanitate inidipsu[m]. / Nolite sperare in iniquitate / et rapinas nolite concupiscere: / diviti[a]e si affluant nolite cor apponere. / Semel locut[us] est deus duo h[a]ec audivi: / quia potestas d[e]i et tibi d[omi]ne mis[eri]c[or]dia: / q[u]ia reddes unicuiq[ue] iuxta op[er]a sua. /
Ad te de luce vigilo
D[EU]S D[EU]S MEUS: / ad te de luce vigilo. / Sitivit in te anima / mea: qua[m] nultipli/cit[er] tibi caro mea. / In t[er]ra deserta et in via / et inaquosa sic / in s[an]c[t]o apparui ti[bi]: / ut videre[m] virtute[m] tua[m] et gl[ori]am tuam. /


pour out your hearts before him:/ god is our helper for ever./ Nevertheless the children of men are vain./ the children of men are liars in scales:/ that they may deceive by vanity together./ Do not hope in injustice/ and do not covet robberies:/ if riches abound set not your heart upon them./ Once has god spoken these two things have I heard:/ that the power is god’s and mercy lord is to you:/ because you will render to every one according to his works./

Psalm 62
To you I watch at break of day

GOD MY GOD:/ to you I watch at break of day./ My soul has thirsted for you: my flesh to the many ways./ In a desert land inaccessible/ and without water so/ in the holy [place] have I appeared to you:/ that I might see your strength and your glory./


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