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Image © Hildesheim, St Godehard


Because your mercy is better than lives: my lips shall praise you./ So will I bless you in my life:/ and your name I will lift up my hands./ As with marrow and fatness let my soul be filled: and with joyful lips/ my mouth shall praise./ If I have been mindful of you upon my bed:/ in the morning I will meditate on you:/ because you have been my helper./ And in the curtain of your wings I will rejoice:/ my soul has cleaved after you:/ your right hand has received me./ But they in vain have sought my soul:/ they shall enter into the inferior parts of the earth./ They shall be delivered into the hands of the sword:/ they shall be the portion of foxes./ But the king shall rejoice in god and/ all shall be praised that swear by him:/ because the mouth of those that speak wicked things is stopped./


Q[uonia]m melior est mis[eri]c[or]dia tua sup[er] vitas: labia mea laudabunt te. / Sic benedica[m] te in vita mea: / et in nomine tuo levabo man[us] meas. / Sicut adipe et pinguedine repleatur / anima mea: et labiis exultationis / laudabit os meum. / Si memor fui tui sup[er] stratu[m] meu[m]: / in matutinis meditabor in te: / quia fuisti adiutor m[eu]s. / Et invelamento alaru[m] tuaru[m] exultabo: / adhesit anima mea post te: / me suscepit dextera tua. / Ipsi v[er]o in vanu[m] qu[a]e sierunt anima[m] mea[m]: / introibunt in inferiora terr[a]e. / tradentur in man[us] gladii: / partes vulpium erunt. / Rex v[er]o letabitur in deo et / laudabuntur om[ne]s qui iurant in eo: / q[u]ia obstructu[m] est os loquentiu[m] iniqua. /


Because your mercy is better than lives: my lips shall praise you./ So will I bless you in my life:/ and your name I will lift up my hands./ As with marrow and fatness let my soul be filled: and with joyful lips/ my mouth shall praise./ If I have been mindful of you upon my bed:/ in the morning I will meditate on you:/ because you have been my helper./ And in the curtain of your wings I will rejoice:/ my soul has cleaved after you:/ your right hand has received me./ But they in vain have sought my soul:/ they shall enter into the inferior parts of the earth./ They shall be delivered into the hands of the sword:/ they shall be the portion of foxes./ But the king shall rejoice in god and/ all shall be praised that swear by him:/ because the mouth of those that speak wicked things is stopped./


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