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Image © Hildesheim, St Godehard


Psalm 63
For they have sharpened [their tongues] like a sword

HEAR GOD/ my prayer/ when I make supplication:/ from the fear of my enemy/ deliver my soul./ You have protected me/ from the assembly of the ill/natured: from the multi/tude of the workers of injustice./ Because they have sharpened their tongue as a sword:/ they have bent the bow a bitter thing:/ that they may shoot in secret the undefiled./ Suddenly they will shoot at him and will not fear:/ they have encouraged themselves in a wicked word./ They have talked that they hid snares:/ they have said who shall see them./ They have searched after injustices:/ they have failed finding out in search./ Man shall come to a deep heart: and god shall be exalted./ The arrows of children are their wounds:/ and their tongues are weakened against them:/


Quia exacuer[un]t ut gladiu[m]
EXAUDI D[EU]S / orationem meam / cum deprecor: / a timore inimici / eripe anima[m] mea[m]. / Protexisti me / a conventu ma/lignantiu[m]: a mul/titudine operantium iniquitatem. / Quia exacuerunt ut gladiu[m] linguas suas: / intenderunt arcum rem amaram: / ut sagittent in occultis immaculatum. / Subito sagittabunt eu[m] et non timebunt: / firmaverunt sibi sermonem nequa[m]. / Narraverunt ut absconderent laqueos: / dixerunt quis videbit eos. / Scrutati sunt iniquitates: / defecerunt scrutantes scrutinio. / Accedet homo ad cor altu[m]: et exaltabit[ur] deus. / Sagitt[a]e parvulor[um] fact[a]e sunt plag[a]e eor[um]: / et infirmat[a]e sunt contra eos lingu[a]e eor[um]: /


Psalm 63
For they have sharpened [their tongues] like a sword

HEAR GOD/ my prayer/ when I make supplication:/ from the fear of my enemy/ deliver my soul./ You have protected me/ from the assembly of the ill/natured: from the multi/tude of the workers of injustice./ Because they have sharpened their tongue as a sword:/ they have bent the bow a bitter thing:/ that they may shoot in secret the undefiled./ Suddenly they will shoot at him and will not fear:/ they have encouraged themselves in a wicked word./ They have talked that they hid snares:/ they have said who shall see them./ They have searched after injustices:/ they have failed finding out in search./ Man shall come to a deep heart: and god shall be exalted./ The arrows of children are their wounds:/ and their tongues are weakened against them:/


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