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Image © Hildesheim, St Godehard


and my confusion: and my shame./ In your sight are all those that afflict me:/ my heart has dreaded reproach and misery./ And I upheld somebody that would be sorry together with me and there was none:/ and that would comfort me and I found none./ And they gave me poison for my food:/ and in my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink./ Let their table be made a snare before them:/ and a repayment and an offence./ Let their eyes be darkened that they do not see:/ and may their back [be] crooked always./ Pour out your wrath upon them:/ and let the fury of their wrath seize them./ Let their habitation be made uninhabited and in their tents let there be none who dwell./ Because they have persecuted whom you have struck:/ and they have added upon the sorrow of my wounds./ Add injustice upon their injustice:/ and let them not enter into your justice./ Let them be blotted out of the book of the living:/ and with the just let them not be written./ I am poor and sorrowful: and your salvation god has received me./


et confusione[m] meam: et reverentiam meam. / In conspectu tuo sunt om[ne]s qui tribulant me: / imp[ro]p[er]ium expectavit cor meu[m] et miseriam. / Et sustinui qui simul contristaretur et n[on] fuit: / et qui consolaretur et non inveni. / Et dederunt in escam meam fel: / et in siti mea potaverunt me aceto. / Fiat mensa eor[um] coram ipsis in laqueum: / et in retributiones in scandalum. / Obscurentur oculi eor[um] ne videant: / et dorsum eor[um] semper incurva. / Effunde sup[er] eos iram tuam: / et furor ir[a]e tu[a]e comprehendat eos. / Fiat habitatio eor[um] deserta: / et in tabernaculis eor[um] non sit qui inhabitet. / Q[uonia]m quem tu p[er]cussisti persecuti sunt: / et sup[er] dolore[m] vulnerum meor[um] addiderunt. / Appone iniquitatem super iniquitate[m] eor[um]: / et non intrent iniusticia tua. / Deleantur de libro viventium: / et cu[m] iustis non scribantur. / Ego su[m] pauper et dolens: sal[us] tua d[eu]s suscepit me /


and my confusion: and my shame./ In your sight are all those that afflict me:/ my heart has dreaded reproach and misery./ And I upheld somebody that would be sorry together with me and there was none:/ and that would comfort me and I found none./ And they gave me poison for my food:/ and in my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink./ Let their table be made a snare before them:/ and a repayment and an offence./ Let their eyes be darkened that they do not see:/ and may their back [be] crooked always./ Pour out your wrath upon them:/ and let the fury of their wrath seize them./ Let their habitation be made uninhabited and in their tents let there be none who dwell./ Because they have persecuted whom you have struck:/ and they have added upon the sorrow of my wounds./ Add injustice upon their injustice:/ and let them not enter into your justice./ Let them be blotted out of the book of the living:/ and with the just let them not be written./ I am poor and sorrowful: and your salvation god has received me./


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