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Page 228 Translation and transcription

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Image © Hildesheim, St Godehard


And he turned away his wrath abundantly:/ and did not kindle all his wrath./ And he remembered that they are flesh:/ a breath that goes and does not return./ How often have they exasperated him in the desert:/ provoked him to wrath in the place with water./ And they turned back and tempted god:/ and they exasperated the holy one of israhel./ They did not remember his hand:/ in the day that he redeemed them from the hand of the one that troubled them./ How he put his signs in egypt:/ and his wonders in the field of thaneos./ And he turned their rivers into blood:/ and their streams that they might not drink./ He sent among them flies and it devoured them:/ and frog[s] that destroyed them./ And he gave their fruits to shrivelling:/ and their labours to the locust./ And he killed their vines with hail:/ and their mulberry trees with hoarfrost./ And he delivered their beasts to hail:/ and their property to fire./


Et habundavit ut averteret ira[m] sua[m]: / et non accendit omnem iram suam. / Et recordatus est quia caro sunt: / sp[iritu]s vadens et non rediens. / Quotiens exacerbaver[un]t eu[m] in deserto: / in ira[m] concitaver[un]t eu[m] in aquoso. / Et conversi s[un]t et temptaver[un]t d[eu]m: / et sc[anctu]m isr[ahe]l exacerbaver[un]t. / Non sunt recordati manus eius: / die qua redemit eos de manu tribulantis. / Sicut posuit in egypto signa sua: / et prodigia sua in campo thaneos. / Et convertit in sanguinem flumina eor[um]: / et imbres eor[um] ne biberent. / Misit in eos cynomiam et comedit eos: / et ranam et disperdidit eos. / Et dedit erugini fructus eor[um]: / et labores eorum locust[a]e. / Et occidit in grandine vineas eor[um]: / et moros eorum inpruina. / Et tradidit grandini iumenta eor[um]: / et possessione[m] eor[um] igni. /


And he turned away his wrath abundantly:/ and did not kindle all his wrath./ And he remembered that they are flesh:/ a breath that goes and does not return./ How often have they exasperated him in the desert:/ provoked him to wrath in the place with water./ And they turned back and tempted god:/ and they exasperated the holy one of israhel./ They did not remember his hand:/ in the day that he redeemed them from the hand of the one that troubled them./ How he put his signs in egypt:/ and his wonders in the field of thaneos./ And he turned their rivers into blood:/ and their streams that they might not drink./ He sent among them flies and it devoured them:/ and frog[s] that destroyed them./ And he gave their fruits to shrivelling:/ and their labours to the locust./ And he killed their vines with hail:/ and their mulberry trees with hoarfrost./ And he delivered their beasts to hail:/ and their property to fire./


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