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Image © Hildesheim, St Godehard


Still their food was in their mouth:/ and the wrath of god rose against them./ And he killed the fat ones: and he obstructed the chosen of israhel./ In all these things they sinned still:/ and they did not believe in his marvellous works./ And their days ceased in worthlessness:/ and their years in haste./ When he killed them they searched for him/ and they returned: and came to him early in the morning./ And they remembered that god is their helper:/ and the most high god is their redeemer./

Psalm 77:27
And he rained upon them flesh as dust

AND THEY LOVED/ him with their mouth: and with their ton/gue they lied to him./ But their heart was not virtuous with him:/ neither were they counted faithful in his covenant./ But he is/ merciful and will be gracious to their sin:/ and he will not ruin them./


Adhuc esc[a]e eor[um] erant in ore ipsor[um]: / et ira dei ascendit super eos. / Et occidit pingues eor[um]: et electos isr[ahe]l impedivit. / In om[n]ib[us] his peccaverunt adhuc: / et non crediderunt in mirabilib[us] ei[us]. / Et defecerunt in vanitate dies eor[um]: / et anni eor[um] cum festinatione. / Cu[m] occideret eos qu[a]erebant eu[m] / et revertebantur: et diluculo veniebant a deu[m]. / Et rememorati sunt q[u]ia d[eu]s adiutor est eor[um]: / et deus excelsus redemptor eor[um] est. /
Et pluit sup[er] eos sic pulvere[m] carnes
ET DILEXERUNT/ eum in ore suo: et lin/gua sua m[en]titi s[un]t ei. / Cor aute[m] eorum / non erat rectu[m] cu[m] eo: / nec fideles habiti / s[un]t in testim[en]to ei[us]. / Ipse aute[m] est / misericors et propiti[us] fiet peccatis eor[um]: / et non disperdet eos. /


Still their food was in their mouth:/ and the wrath of god rose against them./ And he killed the fat ones: and he obstructed the chosen of israhel./ In all these things they sinned still:/ and they did not believe in his marvellous works./ And their days ceased in worthlessness:/ and their years in haste./ When he killed them they searched for him/ and they returned: and came to him early in the morning./ And they remembered that god is their helper:/ and the most high god is their redeemer./

Psalm 77:27
And he rained upon them flesh as dust

AND THEY LOVED/ him with their mouth: and with their ton/gue they lied to him./ But their heart was not virtuous with him:/ neither were they counted faithful in his covenant./ But he is/ merciful and will be gracious to their sin:/ and he will not ruin them./


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