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Page 226 Translation and transcription

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Image © Hildesheim, St Godehard


Can he also give bread:/ or prepare a table for his people./ Therefore the lord heard and was distracted: and a fire was set alight against iacob:/ and wrath rose up against israhel./ Because they did not believe in god:/ nor hoped in his salvation./ And he commanded the clouds from above:/ and opened the gates of heaven./ And he rained down manna for them to eat:/ and he gave them bread of heaven./ Man ate bread of angels:/ he sent them provisions in abundance./ He transported the south wind from heaven:/ and by his power brought in the south-west wind./ And he rained on them flesh as dust:/ and feathered fowls as the sand of the sea./ And they fell in the midst of their camp:/ round their tents./ And they ate and were exceedingly filled:/ and he brought them their desire:/ they were nor defrauded of that for which they longed./


Numquid et panem poterit dare: / aut parare mensam pop[u]lo suo. / Ideo audivit d[omi]n[u]s et distulit: et ignis accensus est in iacob: / et ira ascendit in israhel. / Quia non crediderunt in deo: / nec speraverunt in salutari ei[us]. / Et mandavit nubib[us] desuper: / et ianuas c[a]eli aperuit. / Et pluit illis manna ad manducandum: / et panem c[a]eli dedit eis. / Pane[m] ang[e]lor[um] manducavit homo: / cibaria misit eis in habundantia[m]. / Transtulit austrum de c[a]elo: / et induxit in virtute sua affricum. / Et pluit super eos sicut pulverem carnes: / et sicut arena[m] maris volatilia pennata. / Et ceciderunt in medio castror[um] eor[um]: / circa tabernacula eor[um]. / Et manducaverunt et saturati s[un]t nimis: / et desiderum eor[um] attulit eis: / non sunt fraudati a desiderio suo. /


Can he also give bread:/ or prepare a table for his people./ Therefore the lord heard and was distracted: and a fire was set alight against iacob:/ and wrath rose up against israhel./ Because they did not believe in god:/ nor hoped in his salvation./ And he commanded the clouds from above:/ and opened the gates of heaven./ And he rained down manna for them to eat:/ and he gave them bread of heaven./ Man ate bread of angels:/ he sent them provisions in abundance./ He transported the south wind from heaven:/ and by his power brought in the south-west wind./ And he rained on them flesh as dust:/ and feathered fowls as the sand of the sea./ And they fell in the midst of their camp:/ round their tents./ And they ate and were exceedingly filled:/ and he brought them their desire:/ they were nor defrauded of that for which they longed./


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