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Image © Hildesheim, St Godehard


And perfect that which your right hand has planted:/ and upon the son whom you have encouraged for yourself./ Things set on fire and dug down:/ shall perish at the rebuke of your expression./ Let your hand be upon the man of your right hand:/ and upon the son of man whom you have encouraged for yourself./ And we shall not depart from you you shall invigorate us:/ and we will call upon your name./ Lord god of hosts convert us:/ and show your face and we shall be saved./

Psalm 80
Open your mouth wide and I will fill it



Et perfice eam qua[m] plantavit dextera tua: / et sup[er] filium quem confirmasti tibi / Incensa igni et suffossa: / ab increpatione vult[us] tui p[er]ibunt. / Fiat man[us] tua sup[er] viru[m] dexter[a]e tu[a]e: / et sup[er] filiu[m] hominis que[m] confirmasti tibi. / Et non discedimus a te vivificabis nos: / et nomen tuum invocabim[us]. / D[omi]ne d[eu]s virtutu[m] converte nos: / et ostende faciem tuam et salvi erim[us]. /
Dilata os tuu[m]/ et i[m]plebo illud


And perfect that which your right hand has planted:/ and upon the son whom you have encouraged for yourself./ Things set on fire and dug down:/ shall perish at the rebuke of your expression./ Let your hand be upon the man of your right hand:/ and upon the son of man whom you have encouraged for yourself./ And we shall not depart from you you shall invigorate us:/ and we will call upon your name./ Lord god of hosts convert us:/ and show your face and we shall be saved./

Psalm 80
Open your mouth wide and I will fill it



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