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Page 372 Translation and transcription

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Image © Hildesheim, St Godehard


Praise him with the sound of the trumpet:/ praise him on the psaltery and cithara./ Praise him on timbrel and with choir:/ praise him on strings and organ./ Praise him on well sounding cymbals:/ praise him on cymbals of joy:/ let every spirit praise the lord./

Isaiah 12:3
You shall draw the waters with/joy from the saviour’s fountains/the canticle of the prophet Isaiah/ I WILL ACKNOWLEDGE/ you lord because you are angry with me:/ your wrath is turned away/ and you have comforted me/ Behold god [is]my/saviour: I will deal confidently/ and I shall not be afraid./ Because the lord is my strength and my praise:/ he is become my salvation./ You shall draw the waters with joy from the fountains


Laudate eum in sono tub[a]e: / laudate eum in psalterio et cythara. / Laudate eum in tympano et choro: / laudate eum in chordis et organo. / Laudate eum in cymbalis benesonantib[us]: / laudate eum in cymbalis iubilationis: / omnis sp[iritu]s laudet d[omi]n[u]m. /
Haurietis aquas in/ gaudio de fontib[us] saluatoris/ canticu[m] ysaie p[ro]ph[et]e/ CONFITEBOR/ tibi d[omi]ne q[uonia]m irat[us] es m[ihi]:/ conuersus est furor/ tuus et consolat[us] es me/ Ecce d[eu]s saluator/ m[eu]s: fiducialiter/ aga[m] et n[on] timebo./ Quia fortitudo mea et laus mea d[omi]n[u]s:/ et factus est m[ihi] in salutem./ Haurietis aquas in gaudio de fontib[us]


Praise him with the sound of the trumpet:/ praise him on the psaltery and cithara./ Praise him on timbrel and with choir:/ praise him on strings and organ./ Praise him on well sounding cymbals:/ praise him on cymbals of joy:/ let every spirit praise the lord./

Isaiah 12:3
You shall draw the waters with/joy from the saviour’s fountains/the canticle of the prophet Isaiah/ I WILL ACKNOWLEDGE/ you lord because you are angry with me:/ your wrath is turned away/ and you have comforted me/ Behold god [is]my/saviour: I will deal confidently/ and I shall not be afraid./ Because the lord is my strength and my praise:/ he is become my salvation./ You shall draw the waters with joy from the fountains


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