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Page 373 Translation and transcription

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Image © Hildesheim, St Godehard


of the saviour: and you will say in that day. Acknowledge/ the lord and call upon his name./ Make his works known among the people:/ remember that his name is eminent./ Sing to the lord because he has done gloriously:/ proclaim this throughout all the earth./ Rejoice and praise [you] dwelling of Sion:/ because Holy Israhel he [is] great in your midst./

Isaiah 38:10
I said in the midst/ The writing of Ezechias King of Judea./
I shall go to the gates of Hell

I SAID/ in the midst of my life [literally days]/ I shall go to/ the gates of Hell./ I searched for my remaining/ years: I said I shall not see the lord god/ in the land of the living./ I shall not catch sight of man further: and the inhabitants of rest./ My generation is taken away and rolled up/ from me: as if a shepherd’s tent./


salvatoris: et dicetis in illa die. confitemini/ d[omi]no et inuocate nomen eius./ Notas fac[i]te in populis adinuentiones ei[us]:/ mem[en]tote q[uonia]m excelsum est nomen ei[us]./ Cantate d[omi]no q[uonia]m magnifice f[a]ecit:/ annuntiate hoc in uniuersa terra./ Exulta et lauda habitatio syon:/ q[u]ia magn[us] in medio tui s[an]c[tus] isr[ahe]l./
Ego dixi in dimidio/Script[ur]a ezechi[a]e regis iud[a]e./
Vada[m] in portas inferi

EGO DIXI/ in dimidio dierum/ meor[u]m: uadam ad/ portas inferi./ Qu[a]esiui residuu[m]/ annor[u]m meor[u]m: dixi/ non uidebo d[omi]n[u]m d[eu]m/ in terra uiuentiu[m]./ Non aspiciam hominem ultra: et habitatore[m] q[u]ietis./ Generatio mea ablata est a me et c[on]uoluta/ est a me: quasi tab[er]naculum pastor[u]m./


of the saviour: and you will say in that day. Acknowledge/ the lord and call upon his name./ Make his works known among the people:/ remember that his name is eminent./ Sing to the lord because he has done gloriously:/ proclaim this throughout all the earth./ Rejoice and praise [you] dwelling of Sion:/ because Holy Israhel he [is] great in your midst./

Isaiah 38:10
I said in the midst/ The writing of Ezechias King of Judea./
I shall go to the gates of Hell

I SAID/ in the midst of my life [literally days]/ I shall go to/ the gates of Hell./ I searched for my remaining/ years: I said I shall not see the lord god/ in the land of the living./ I shall not catch sight of man further: and the inhabitants of rest./ My generation is taken away and rolled up/ from me: as if a shepherd’s tent./


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