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Image © Hildesheim, St Godehard


My life is cut off as by a weaver./ while I was yet beginning he cut me off:/ from morning even to night you will make an end of me:/ I had hope until morning: like a lion so he has broken all my bones./ From morning even until night you will make an end of me:/ I will cry out like a young swallow:/ I will contemplate like a dove./ My eyes are weakened: looking up to the heights./ Lord I suffer violence respond on my behalf: what shall I say/ or what shall he reply to me when he himself has done it:/ I will reflect upon all my years to you:/ in the bitterness of my soul./ Lord if the life of my spirit lives and is in such things:/ you shall reproach me and make me live:/ behold my bitterness is most bitter in peace./ But you have rescued my soul that it should not perish:/ you have cast all my sins behind your back./ Because hell will not acknowledge you/ neither shall death praise you: nor shall those who descend into the pit hope for your truth./ The living the living himself shall acknowledge you as I [do]


Precisa est uelut a texente uita mea./ dum adhuc ordirer succidit me:/ de mane usq[ue] ad uesp[er]am finies me:/ Sperabam usq[ue] ad mane: quasi l/e\o/ sic contriuit om[n]ia ossa mea./ De mane usq[ue] ad uesp[er]am finies me:/ sicut pullus hyrundinis sic clamabo:/ meditabor ut columba./ Attenuati sunt oc[u]li mei: suspicientes in excelso./ D[omi]ne uim patior responde p[ro] me: q[ui]d dicam/ aut q[ui]d respondebit m[ihi] cum ipse fecerim:/ Recogitabo tibi om[ne]s annos meos:/ in amaritudine anim[a]e me[a]e./ D[omi]ne sic uiuitur et in talib[us] uita sp[iritu]s mei:/ corripies me et uiuificabis me:/ ecce in pace amaritudo mea amarissima./ Tu aute[m] eruisti anima[m] mea[m] ut n[on] p[er]iret:/ p[ro]iecisti post tergu[m] tuu[m] om[n]ia peccata mea./ Quia n[on] infernus confitebitur tibi/ neq[ue] mors laudabit te: non expectab[un]t/ qui descend[un]t in lacu[m] ueritate[m] tua[m]./ Viuens uiuens ipse confitebitur tibi sic[ut] et ego


My life is cut off as by a weaver./ while I was yet beginning he cut me off:/ from morning even to night you will make an end of me:/ I had hope until morning: like a lion so he has broken all my bones./ From morning even until night you will make an end of me:/ I will cry out like a young swallow:/ I will contemplate like a dove./ My eyes are weakened: looking up to the heights./ Lord I suffer violence respond on my behalf: what shall I say/ or what shall he reply to me when he himself has done it:/ I will reflect upon all my years to you:/ in the bitterness of my soul./ Lord if the life of my spirit lives and is in such things:/ you shall reproach me and make me live:/ behold my bitterness is most bitter in peace./ But you have rescued my soul that it should not perish:/ you have cast all my sins behind your back./ Because hell will not acknowledge you/ neither shall death praise you: nor shall those who descend into the pit hope for your truth./ The living the living himself shall acknowledge you as I [do]


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