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Image © Hildesheim, St Godehard


today: the father shall make known your truth to the children./ Lord save me: and we will sing/ our psalms all the days of our life in the house of the lord./

1 Samuel 2:5
while the barren have borne/
The canticle of Anna/

My heart has REJOICED/
in the lord:/ and my ho/rn is exalted in my god./ My mouth is opened wide/ over my/ enemies: because I have taken joy/ in your salvation./ There is none as holy as the lord: for there is no other/ beyond you: and there is none as strong as our lord./ Refuse to enlarge lofty speech: boasting./ Let old matters depart from your mouth: because the lord is god of knowledge: and to him [all] thoughts are prepared for./ The bow of the mighty is conquered :/ and the weak are armed with strength./ Those [who were] full before have hired themselves out for bread:/


hodie: pater filiis nota[m] faciet ueritate[m] tua[m]./ D[omi]ne saluum me fac: et psalmos n[ost]ros cantabim[us] cunctis dieb[us] uit[a]e n[ost]r[a]e in domo d[omi]ni./
donec steril[is] pep[er]it/
canticu[m] anne/

cor meu[m] in d[omi]no:/ et exaltatum est cor/nu meu[m] in d[omi]no meo./ Dilatatu[m] est os/ meu[m] sup[er] inimicos/ meos: q[ui]a l[a]etata su[m]/ in salutari tuo./ Non est s[an]c[tu]s ut est d[omi]n[u]s: neq[ue] eni[m] est alius/ extra te: et non est fortis sicut deus n[oste]r./ Nolite multiplicare loqui/ sullimia: gloriantes./ Recedant uetera de ore u[est]ro: q[ui]a d[eu]s scientiaru[m]/ d[omi]n[u]s: et ipsi pr[a]eparantur cogitationes./ Arcus fortiu[m] sup[er]at[us] est:/ et infirmi accincti sunt robore./ Repleti pri[us] p[ro] panib[us] se locauer[un]t:/


today: the father shall make known your truth to the children./ Lord save me: and we will sing/ our psalms all the days of our life in the house of the lord./

1 Samuel 2:5
while the barren have borne/
The canticle of Anna/

My heart has REJOICED/
in the lord:/ and my ho/rn is exalted in my god./ My mouth is opened wide/ over my/ enemies: because I have taken joy/ in your salvation./ There is none as holy as the lord: for there is no other/ beyond you: and there is none as strong as our lord./ Refuse to enlarge lofty speech: boasting./ Let old matters depart from your mouth: because the lord is god of knowledge: and to him [all] thoughts are prepared for./ The bow of the mighty is conquered :/ and the weak are armed with strength./ Those [who were] full before have hired themselves out for bread:/


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