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TranslationPsalm 94We weep before the lord who (made us) COME/ let us praise the lord with joy: let us joyfully sing/ to god our saviour./ Let us come before/ his face/ in acknowledgement:/ and let us sing joyfully to him in psalms./ Because the lord is a great god:/ and a great king above all gods./ Because the ends of the earth are in his hands:/ and the heights of the mountains are his./ Because the sea is his and he made it:/ and his hands formed the dry land./ Come let us adore and fall down/ and weep before the lord who made us:/ because he is our god./ And we are the people of his pasture and the sheep of his hand:/ today if you hear his voice/ do not harden your hearts./ |
TranscriptionPlorem[us] cora[m] d[omi]no quiVENITE/ exultem[us] d[omi]no: iubilemus deo / salutari n[ost]ro. / Pr[a]eoccupem[us] / faciem eius / in confessione: / et in psalmis / iubilemus ei. / Quoniam deus magnus dominus: / et rex magnus super om[ne]s deos. / Quia in manu ei[us] sunt fines terr[a]e: / et altitudines montiu[m] ipsius sunt. / Q[uonia]m ipsius est mare et ipse fecit illud: / et sicca[m] manus eius formaver[un]t. / Venite adoremus et procidamus / et plorem[us] ante d[omi]n[u]m qui fecit nos: / quia ipse est deus noster. / Et nos populus pascu[a]e ei[us] et oves man[us] ei[us]: / hodie si voce[m] eius audieritis / nolite obdurare corda v[est]ra. / |
TranslationPsalm 94We weep before the lord who (made us) COME/ let us praise the lord with joy: let us joyfully sing/ to god our saviour./ Let us come before/ his face/ in acknowledgement:/ and let us sing joyfully to him in psalms./ Because the lord is a great god:/ and a great king above all gods./ Because the ends of the earth are in his hands:/ and the heights of the mountains are his./ Because the sea is his and he made it:/ and his hands formed the dry land./ Come let us adore and fall down/ and weep before the lord who made us:/ because he is our god./ And we are the people of his pasture and the sheep of his hand:/ today if you hear his voice/ do not harden your hearts./
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University of Aberdeen - King's College - Aberdeen - AB24 3SW |
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