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TranslationPsalm 103:22The sun rises and they (the young lions) are gathered together. Psalm 103:23 Man shall go out to his work. the earth is filled with your property./ THIS GREAT SEA/ that spreads wide its hands:/ there are innumerable creeping beasts./ Creatures small and great: there ships shall pass./ This serpent whom you made to amuse itself in it:/ all expect of you that you give them food in time./ What you give to them they shall gather: when you open your hand/ all shall be filled with good./ But you turning away your face:/ they shall be troubled:/ you shall take away their breath and they shall fail:/ and shall return into their dust./ You shall send forth your spirit and they shall be created:/ and you shall renew the face of the earth./ Let the glory of god be forever:/ the lord will rejoice in his works./ Who looks upon the earth and makes it tremble:/ who touches the mountains and they smoke./ |
TranscriptionOrtus est sol et congregati s[un]tExibit h[om]o ad op[us] su[um] impleta est terra possessione tua. / HOC MARE MAGNU[M] / et spaciosu[m] manibus: / illic reptilia quoru[m] / non est numerus. / Animalia pusilla / cu[m] magnis: illic / naves pertransibunt. / Draco iste que formasti ad illudendum ei: / om[n]ia a te expectant ut des illis escam in t[em]p[o]r[e]. / Dante illis colligent: ap[er]iente te manu[m] tua[m] / omnia implebuntur bonitate. / Avertente aute[m] te faciem turbabuntur: / auferes sp[iri]t[um] eor[um] et deficient: / et in pulver[un]t suu[m] revertentur. / Emittes sp[iritu]m tuu[m] et creabuntur: / et renovabis faciem terr[a]e. / Sit gl[ori]a d[omi]ni in s[ae]c[u]l[u]m s[ae]c[u]li: / l[a]etabitur d[omi]n[u]s in op[er]ib[us] suis. / Qui respicit terra[m] et facit ea[m] tremere: / qui tangit montes et fumigant / |
TranslationPsalm 103:22The sun rises and they (the young lions) are gathered together. Psalm 103:23 Man shall go out to his work. the earth is filled with your property./ THIS GREAT SEA/ that spreads wide its hands:/ there are innumerable creeping beasts./ Creatures small and great: there ships shall pass./ This serpent whom you made to amuse itself in it:/ all expect of you that you give them food in time./ What you give to them they shall gather: when you open your hand/ all shall be filled with good./ But you turning away your face:/ they shall be troubled:/ you shall take away their breath and they shall fail:/ and shall return into their dust./ You shall send forth your spirit and they shall be created:/ and you shall renew the face of the earth./ Let the glory of god be forever:/ the lord will rejoice in his works./ Who looks upon the earth and makes it tremble:/ who touches the mountains and they smoke./
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