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Image © Hildesheim, St Godehard


He distributed he gave to the poor/ his justice lasts forever and ever:/ his horn shall be lifted up in glory./ The sinner shall see and shall be angry:/ he shall gnash his teeth and pine away:/ the desire of sinners shall perish./

Psalm 112
Praise the lord children

PRAISE/ the lord children:/ praise the name of the lord./ Blessed be the name of the lord: from henceforth now and forever./ From the rising of the sun to its going down: the name of the lord is worthy of praise./ The lord is high above all nations and his glory above the heavens./ Who is like the lord our god who dwells on high:/ and looks down on low things in heaven and earth./ Raising up the needy from the earth:/ and lifting up the poor out of the dung./ That he may place him with princes:/ with the princes of his people./ Who causes the barren woman to live in a house:/ a joyful mother of children./


Dispersit dedit pauperibus / iustitia eius manet in s[ae]c[u]l[u]m s[ae]c[u]li: / cornu eius exaltabitur in gl[ori]a. / Peccator videbit et irascetur: / dentib[us] suis fremet et tabescet: / desiderium peccator[um] p[er]ibit. /
Laudate / pueri d[omi]n[u]m
LAUDATE / pueri d[omi]n[u]m: /laudate nomen domini. / Sit nom[en] d[omi]ni benedictu[m]: ex hoc n[un]c et usq[ue] in s[ae]c[u]l[u]m. / A sol[us] ortu usq[ue] ad occasu[um]: laudabile nom[en] d[omi]ni. / Excelsus sup[er] om[ne]s g[ente]s d[omi]n[u]s et sup[er] c[a]elos gl[ori]a eius. / Quis sicut d[omi]n[u]s d[eu]s n[oste]r q[u]i in altis habitat: / humilia respicit in c[a]elo et in terra. / Suscitans a terra inopem: / et de stercore erigens paup[er]em. / Ut collocet eum cu[m] principibus: / cum principib[us] populi sui. / Qui habitare facit sterilem in domo: / matrem filior[um] l[a]etantem. /


He distributed he gave to the poor/ his justice lasts forever and ever:/ his horn shall be lifted up in glory./ The sinner shall see and shall be angry:/ he shall gnash his teeth and pine away:/ the desire of sinners shall perish./

Psalm 112
Praise the lord children

PRAISE/ the lord children:/ praise the name of the lord./ Blessed be the name of the lord: from henceforth now and forever./ From the rising of the sun to its going down: the name of the lord is worthy of praise./ The lord is high above all nations and his glory above the heavens./ Who is like the lord our god who dwells on high:/ and looks down on low things in heaven and earth./ Raising up the needy from the earth:/ and lifting up the poor out of the dung./ That he may place him with princes:/ with the princes of his people./ Who causes the barren woman to live in a house:/ a joyful mother of children./


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