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Image © Hildesheim, St Godehard


lest at any time the nations say where is their god./ But our god is in heaven:/ he has done all things whatever he wished./ The idols of the nations are silver and gold:/ the works of men’s hands./ They have mouths but they shall not speak:/ they have eyes but shall not see/ They have ears but shall not hear:/ they have noses but shall not smell./ They have hands but shall not touch:/ they have feet but shall not walk:/ they shall not shout in their throat./ Let those who make them become like them:/ and all who trust in them./ The house of israhel has hoped in the lord:/ he is their helper and their protector./ The house of aaron has hoped in the lord:/ he is their helper and their protector./ Those who fear the lord have hoped in the lord:/ he is their helper and their protector./ The lord has been mindful of us:/ and he has blessed us./ He has blessed the house of israhel: he has blessed the house of aaron./


nequando dicant gentes ubi est d[eu]s eor[um]. / D[eu]s autem n[oste]r in c[a]elo: / om[n]ia qu[a]ecumq[ue] voluit fecit. / Simulacra gentium argentu[m] et auru[m]: / op[er]a manuum hominum. / Os habent et non loquentur: / oc[u]los habent et non videbunt / Aures habent et non audient: / nares habent et non odorabunt. / Man[us] habent et non palpabunt: / pedes habent et non ambulab[un]t: / non clamabunt in gutture suo. / Similes illis fiant qui faciunt ea: / et om[ne]s qui confidunt in eis. / Dom[us] isr[ahe]l sp[er]avit in d[omi]no: / adiutor eor[um] et p[ro]tector eor[um] est. / Dom[us] aaron sp[er]avit in d[omi]no: / adiutor eor[um] et p[ro]tector eor[um] est. / Qui timent d[omi]n[u]m sp[er]aver[un]t in d[omi]no: / adiutor eor[um] et p[ro]tector eor[um] est. / D[omi]n[u]s memor fuit n[ost]ri: et benedixit nob[is]. / Benedixit domui isr[ahe]l: benedix[it] domui aaron. /


lest at any time the nations say where is their god./ But our god is in heaven:/ he has done all things whatever he wished./ The idols of the nations are silver and gold:/ the works of men’s hands./ They have mouths but they shall not speak:/ they have eyes but shall not see/ They have ears but shall not hear:/ they have noses but shall not smell./ They have hands but shall not touch:/ they have feet but shall not walk:/ they shall not shout in their throat./ Let those who make them become like them:/ and all who trust in them./ The house of israhel has hoped in the lord:/ he is their helper and their protector./ The house of aaron has hoped in the lord:/ he is their helper and their protector./ Those who fear the lord have hoped in the lord:/ he is their helper and their protector./ The lord has been mindful of us:/ and he has blessed us./ He has blessed the house of israhel: he has blessed the house of aaron./


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