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Image © Hildesheim, St Godehard


He has blessed all who fear the lord:/ the little with the great./ May the lord add [blessing] upon you: upon you and upon your children./ Blessed be you of the lord: who made heaven and earth./ The heaven of heaven is the lord’s: but the earth he has given to the children of men./ The dead shall not praise you lord:/ nor all those who go down to lower world./ But we who live bless the lord:/ from this time now and forever./

Psalm 114
[on book: O lord deliver my soul]

I HAVE LOVED BECAUSE / the lord will hear:/ the voice of my prayer./ Because he has bent/ his ear to me:/ and in my days I will call upon [him]./ The sorrows of death have surrounded me and the dangers of hell have found me./ I have found trouble and sorrow:/ and I have called upon the name of the lord./


Benedixit om[n]ib[us] qui timent d[omi]n[u]m: / pusillis cum maiorib[us]. / Adiciat d[omi]n[u]s sup[er] vos: sup[er] vos et sup[er] filios v[est]ros. / Benedicti vos d[omi]no: qui fecit c[a]elu[m] et terram. / C[a]elum c[a]eli d[omi]no: t[er]ra[m] aute[m] dedit filiis hominu[m]. / Non mortui laudabunt te d[omi]ne: / neq[ue] om[ne]s qui descend[un]t in infernu[m]. /Sed nos qui vivim[us] benedicim[us] d[omi]no: / ex hoc n[un]c et usq[ue] in s[ae]c[u]l[u]m. /
[on book: O domine lib[er]a anima[m] me[am]]
DILEXI Q[UONIA]M / exaudiet domin[us]: / voce[m] orationis me[a]e. /Quia inclinavit / aurem sua[m] michi: / et in dieb[us] meis / invocabo. / Circu[m]deder[un]t me / dolores mortis et p[er]icula inferni invener[un]t me. / Tribulatione[m] et dolore[m] inveni: / et nomen d[omi]ni invocabi. /


He has blessed all who fear the lord:/ the little with the great./ May the lord add [blessing] upon you: upon you and upon your children./ Blessed be you of the lord: who made heaven and earth./ The heaven of heaven is the lord’s: but the earth he has given to the children of men./ The dead shall not praise you lord:/ nor all those who go down to lower world./ But we who live bless the lord:/ from this time now and forever./

Psalm 114
[on book: O lord deliver my soul]

I HAVE LOVED BECAUSE / the lord will hear:/ the voice of my prayer./ Because he has bent/ his ear to me:/ and in my days I will call upon [him]./ The sorrows of death have surrounded me and the dangers of hell have found me./ I have found trouble and sorrow:/ and I have called upon the name of the lord./


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