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Image © Hildesheim, St Godehard


O Lord deliver my soul: the lord is merciful/ and just and our god shows mercy./ The lord guards little ones:/ I was brought low and he delivered me./ Turn my soul to your rest:/ because the lord has dealt well with you./ Because he has delivered my soul from death:/ my eyes from tears: my feet from falling./ I will please our lord in the land of the living./

Psalm 115
[on book: The chalice of salvation]

I BELIEVED ON ACCOUNT OF/ which I have spoken:/ but I was brought/ extremely low./ I said in my/ extremity: every man is a liar./ What shall I restore/ to the lord for all things that he has repaid to me/ I will take the chalice of salvation:/ and I will call upon the name of the lord./


O d[omi]ne libera anima[m] mea[m]: misericors d[omi]n[u]s / et iustus et deus n[oste]r miseretur. / Custodiens parvulos d[omi]n[u]s: / humiliatus sum et liberavit me. / Convertere anima mea in req[u]iem tuam: / quia d[omi]n[u]s benefecit tibi. / Quia eripuit anima[m] mea[m] de morte: / oc[u]los meos a lacrimis: pedes meos a lapsu. / Placebo d[omi]no in regione vivor[um]. /
[on book: Calice[m] salutaris]
CREDIDI P[RO]PTER / quod locut[us] sum: / ego autem humili/atus sum nimis. / Ego dixi in excessu / meo: om[n]is homo m[en]dax. / Quid retribuam / d[omi]no p[ro] om[n]ib[us] qu[a]e retribuit michi / Calicem salutaris accipiam: / et nomen d[omi]ni invocabo. /


O Lord deliver my soul: the lord is merciful/ and just and our god shows mercy./ The lord guards little ones:/ I was brought low and he delivered me./ Turn my soul to your rest:/ because the lord has dealt well with you./ Because he has delivered my soul from death:/ my eyes from tears: my feet from falling./ I will please our lord in the land of the living./

Psalm 115
[on book: The chalice of salvation]

I BELIEVED ON ACCOUNT OF/ which I have spoken:/ but I was brought/ extremely low./ I said in my/ extremity: every man is a liar./ What shall I restore/ to the lord for all things that he has repaid to me/ I will take the chalice of salvation:/ and I will call upon the name of the lord./


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