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Image © Hildesheim, St Godehard


I will give my vows to the lord in the presence of all/ his people: the death of his holy ones is precious in the sight/ of the lord./ O Lord because I am your servant:/ I am your servant and the son of your handmaid./ You have broken my bonds:/ I will offer to you the sacrifice of praise:/ and I will call upon the name of the lord./ I will give my vows to the lord/ in the sight of all his people/ in the courts of the house of the lord/ in the midst of you hierusalem./

Psalm 116
[on book: Praise the lord all nations]

PRAISE/ the lord all nations:/ praise him all people/ Because his mercy is confirmed upon us: and the truth of the lord/ lasts forever./


[on book: laudate d[omin]um om[ne]s gentes]
Vota mea d[omi]no reddam cora[m] om[n]i / populo eius: pretioso in conspectu / d[omi]ni mors s[an]c[t]or[um] ei[us]. / O d[omi]ne quia ego servus tuis: / ego servus tuus et filius ancill[a]e tu[a]e. / Dirupisti vincula mea: / tibi sacrificabo hostia[m] laudis: / et nomen d[omi]ni invocabo. / Vota mea d[omi]no reddam / in conspectu om[n]is pop[u]li ei[us] / in atriis domus domini / in medio tui hierusalem. /
LAUDATE / d[omi]n[u]m om[ne]s g[ente]s: / laudate eum omnes populi / Quoniam confirmata est super nos / misericordia eius: et veritas d[omi]ni / manet in [a]eternum. /


I will give my vows to the lord in the presence of all/ his people: the death of his holy ones is precious in the sight/ of the lord./ O Lord because I am your servant:/ I am your servant and the son of your handmaid./ You have broken my bonds:/ I will offer to you the sacrifice of praise:/ and I will call upon the name of the lord./ I will give my vows to the lord/ in the sight of all his people/ in the courts of the house of the lord/ in the midst of you hierusalem./

Psalm 116
[on book: Praise the lord all nations]

PRAISE/ the lord all nations:/ praise him all people/ Because his mercy is confirmed upon us: and the truth of the lord/ lasts forever./


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