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Image © Hildesheim, St Godehard


is god: according to christian truth./ Thus we are forbidden according to catholic religion to say that there are three gods or lords./ The father is not made by anyone: nor created by anyone nor generated by anyone/. The son is not made or created but he is generated by the father alone./ The holy spirit is not made/ nor created nor generated but proceeds from the father and the son./ There is therefore one father not three fathers: one son not three sons: one holy spirit not three holy spirits./ And in this trinity there is nothing greater nothing less than anything else: but the entire three persons are coeternal and coequal./ So that as we have said we worship complete unity in the trinity: and the trinity in unity./ This then is what he who wishes to be saved: must believe about the trinity./ But it is also necessary for eternal salvation: that he believes steadfastly in the incarnation of our lord ihesus christ./ Therefore the true faith is that we believe and profess that our lord ihesus christ the son of god is both god and man./


d[eu]m ac d[omi]n[u]m confiteri: chr[ist]iana ueritate co[m]pelim[ur]./ Ita tres deos aut d[omi]nos dicere: catholica religione p[ro]hibem[ur]./ Pater a nullo est fact[us]: nec creat[us] nec genit[us]./ Filius a patre solo est: n[on] fact[us] nec creat[us] nec genit[us] sed p[ro]cedens./ Sp[irit] us s[an]c[tu]s a patre et filio: non fact[us]/ nec creat[us] nec geni[us] sed p[ro]cedens./ Vnus ergo pater non tres patres: unus filius non tres filii: un[us] sp[iritus] s[an]c[tu]s non tres sp[iritus] s[an]c[t]i./ Et in hac trinitate nichil pri[us] aut posteri[us] nichil maius aut minus: sed tot[a]e tres p[er]son[a]e co[a]et[er]n[a]e sibi s[un]t et co[a]eq[ua]les./ Ita ut p[er] om[n]ia sicut ia[m] supra dictu[m] est./ et unitas in t[ri]nitate: et trinitas in unitate ueneranda sit./ Qui uult [er]go salu[as] e[ss]e: ita de trinitate sentiat./ Sed necessariu[m] est ad [a]et[er]na[m] salute[m]: ut incarnatione[m] q[u]oq[ue] d[omi]ni n[ost]ri ih[es]u [christi] fidelit[er] credat./ Est [er]go fides recta ut credam[us] et confiteam[ur] q[u]ia d[ominu]s n[oste]r ih[esu]s [christu]s d[e]i fili[us] d[eu]s et homo est./


is god: according to christian truth./ Thus we are forbidden according to catholic religion to say that there are three gods or lords./ The father is not made by anyone: nor created by anyone nor generated by anyone/. The son is not made or created but he is generated by the father alone./ The holy spirit is not made/ nor created nor generated but proceeds from the father and the son./ There is therefore one father not three fathers: one son not three sons: one holy spirit not three holy spirits./ And in this trinity there is nothing greater nothing less than anything else: but the entire three persons are coeternal and coequal./ So that as we have said we worship complete unity in the trinity: and the trinity in unity./ This then is what he who wishes to be saved: must believe about the trinity./ But it is also necessary for eternal salvation: that he believes steadfastly in the incarnation of our lord ihesus christ./ Therefore the true faith is that we believe and profess that our lord ihesus christ the son of god is both god and man./


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